Graduate Attributes
- Develop, integrate, and apply knowledge from the foundational and clinical sciences related to pharmacy education and practice.
- Recalling knowledge for manufacturing and development of pharmaceutical products and providing a patient-centered care as medication experts.
- Identifying and solving problems related to pharmacy practice.
- Work ethically and legally as part of a team with leadership and communication skills.
- Self-commitment to independent and lifelong learning for continuous professional improvement using updated technology.
Pharmacy Department Vision, Mission, Values, and Objectives:
Graduating a nationally and regionally leader in pharmacy education, research, and community service which is known for its high quality and impact on improving human health.
To graduate highly competent and motivated pharmacists through modern pharmacy program who able to optimize economic drug therapy effectively and safely and enhance pharmaceutical activities especially in areas of pharmacy education, community services, and research to achieve the highest levels of excellence of healthcare services.
Department Objectives:
- Preparing highly distinguished pharmacy students in various pharmacy practice settings that enhances their ability to compete
- Qualifying the student to be able to practice the profession of pharmacy ethically and legally with high professionalism and to meet the needs of the labor market.
- Applying the quality standards in the pharmacy education and creating an academic and research environment to enhance the pharmacy student’s ability to acquire knowledge with high competency.
- Activating partnership with health community institutions and relevant authorities locally, regionally and internationally.
Pharmacy Program Mission and Objectives:
Program Mission:
The Pharmacy program at Yemeni Jordanian University aims to prepare highly qualified pharmacists by advancing student knowledge and skills in the pharmaceutical sciences to achieve excellence in pharmacy education, pharmaceutical research, community service, and quality of care locally and regionally.
Program Objectives :-
- Provide pharmacy students with basic and professional knowledge essential to fulfill all aspects of pharmacy.
- Practice the pharmacy profession ethically and legally and work as part of a team with leadership, time management, critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.
- Express self-awareness for continuous pharmacy knowledge improvement and participate in the field of scientific publications to achieve maximum clinical effectiveness and safety of medication.
- Participate in improving the professional qualification and competency of pharmacy graduates locally, regionally and internationally.