Department Vision, Mission, and Goals
Department Vision
The department should be in the ranks of locally and regionally recognized educational institutions, characterized by an innovative educational program, a modern graduate with high technical skills and effective community service.
Department Mission
The department of Dentistry reflects the mission of Yemeni Jordanian University to provide dental educational programs in the Yemen, to initiate and develop basic and clinical research and to offer high quality oral healthcare to meet the needs of the east coast region. The department of Dentistry aims to prepare graduates who are highly qualified in dental sciences to deliver compassionate and ethical orofacial healthcare services. Offering an outstanding level of education in dentistry qualifies the graduate to be competitive dentist through
- Rehabilitation and education of today’s students and future dentists on the latest systems and techniques for oral health care.
- A leading role for the college in serving the community and developing the environment through training and encouraging researchers to conduct applied research and the ability to update treatment methods in the field of dentistry.
- Providing an effective treatment service for all segments of society and spreading awareness for oral health care.
Department Goals
- Educate and train a new generation of oral health professionals to world-class standards.
- Implement a comprehensive oral healthcare program with emphasis on prevention.
- Provide community dentistry services that meet world-class standards.
- Initiate scientific research in oral health in collaboration with prestigious international dental and medical institutions, and companies related to dentistry.
The study system
.Study system is the semesters system
five years
One year internship